
Sports Premium

The PE and sport premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.

Following Britain's success in the Olympics, as part of a government initiate, every school has received a grant  to create sustainable provision to raise attainment in Physical Education.

Our priorities at Wollaston Primary are as follows:

  • Fund interschool competitive opportunities
  • To develop children's positive mental attitude to enhance performance through .b
  • To train staff and our parent to provide, sustainable, out of hours extra-curricular sporting opportunities
  • To develop the capacity of meal supervisors and sports leaders to promote physical activity at playtime
  • To resource playtime sports activities
  • To promote links with physical activity and general wellbeing

At Wollaston Primary  we support achievement in all areas of physical activity and for all of our children. We respect and value the unique physical abilities of our community and the contribution that participation can make to our social development. We work in teams to create an active, safe and high quality approach to all aspect of physical development to encourage health and fitness for life.


Currently, after key stage 2 swimming lessons, 41/52 children are able to swim 25 meters unaided. 

35/52 can use a range of strokes effectively and 35/52 can perform safe self response in different water-based situations.